Selling Price/售价:RM120
Apple 价/:RM70
Usage/如何服用:早餐时吃一块,每天一块/1pcs per day
Apple 价/:RM70
Usage/如何服用:早餐时吃一块,每天一块/1pcs per day

Selling Price/售价:RM396
1 piece per day,Eat before breakfast or replace your breakfast with 1 piece of papaya biscuit.
Papaya Bust Biscuit rich in amino acids and various nutrients. Is a nutrient-rich, with gain and nothing to harm the "fruit of the treasures." The Ministry of Health announced the first batch of food and medicine used along with fruits, The principle is the green papaya papaya enzyme unique to the usefulness of breast development. 2. Papaya enzyme is rich in natural female hormones and vitamin content. female hormones can stimulate the ovarian secretion of estrogen, to help re-development purposes. 3 green papaya biscuits contained papaya enzyme.It is the use of modern ultra-filtration for purification, together with the cinnamon, mulberry and other superior raw materials and refined. Each biscuit nutrient content equivalent to 5 papaya.
Eat 1 piece with milk as your breakfast.
You can experience the joy of breast physical re-development.
1 treatment consists 36pieces/36 days use Method: Eat before breakfast or replace your breakfast with 1 piece of papaya biscuit.
you can drink with milk, soy milk, etc. The main components mulberry green papaya cinnamon oatmeal, honey, etc. Precautions: should not be taken during menstruation /Avoid eating spicy food
Papaya Bust Biscuit is good for:1 green papaya contains a wealth of papaya enzyme, papaya enzyme, carotene, etc.; Eat 1 piece with milk as your breakfast.
You can experience the joy of breast physical re-development.
1 treatment consists 36pieces/36 days use Method: Eat before breakfast or replace your breakfast with 1 piece of papaya biscuit.
you can drink with milk, soy milk, etc. The main components mulberry green papaya cinnamon oatmeal, honey, etc. Precautions: should not be taken during menstruation /Avoid eating spicy food
1. 青木瓜内含丰富的木瓜酵素、木瓜酶、胡萝卜素等;并富含 氨基酸及多种营养元素。是一种营养丰富、有百益而无一害 的“果之珍品”。 99年被卫生部公布为第一批药食兼用水果,青木瓜中木瓜 酵素和木瓜酶的含量是其他品种木瓜的5-10倍。 其原理是青木瓜中特有的木瓜酶对乳腺发育很有助益。
2.木瓜酵素中含有丰富的天然女性激素及维生素成分,可 以很好的帮助女性荷尔蒙分泌,并能刺激卵巢分泌雌激素, 使乳腺畅通,达到帮助再次发育目的。
3.青木瓜饼干所含有的木瓜醇和木瓜酵素是利用现代超微 过滤方式进行提纯,配以肉桂,桑葚等上乘原料精制而成。 每片饼干的营养成分含量相当于5个木瓜。早晨搭配牛奶吃 1片让人们在吃早餐的过程中深切的体会到身体再次发育带 来的喜悦。
【服用方法】每天早上空腹吃一片,也可以代替早饭,也可 以搭配牛奶 豆浆等饮品
【主要成分】青木瓜 肉桂 桑葚 燕麦 蜂蜜等
【主要成分】青木瓜 肉桂 桑葚 燕麦 蜂蜜等
1. 青木瓜内含丰富的木瓜酵素、木瓜酶、胡萝卜素等;并富含
【主要成分】青木瓜 肉桂 桑葚 燕麦 蜂蜜等
【主要成分】青木瓜 肉桂 桑葚 燕麦 蜂蜜等
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