
Proten Pueraria Lobata     V001
 Proten 女人之宝   

Selling Price/售价:RM396
wholesale Price 批发 价/:PM me/ SMS 0163325933

Usage/如何服用:午餐后2粒/晚餐后2粒 consume 2 capsules after lunch and dinner respectively

Pueraria Lobata 含有丰富的DaidzeinDaidzin  Puerarin,这两大成份能促进身体健康及减少患多种癌症和心脏病的风险。
在泰国偏远的地区,人们以它的根来帮助老年人恢复青春活力 及为年老的身体灌注新的生命力。作为泰国的传统药物,它能有效的树杰早衰老及更年期症状,以及促进美丽与健康。

Pueraria Lobata 主要含有植物雌激素(植物荷尔蒙),见


Pueraria Lobata 主要含有植物雌激素(植物荷尔蒙),疏通和软化乳腺!见效快!更安全!Proten Pueraria Lobata (PL) 女人之宝可以帮助:服用Pueraria Lobata使乳房增大和结实通过加长及伸展链接如同的脉管以促进乳房组织的发育及增​大。它增加乳房四周,帮助支撑乳房形状脂肪组织和韧带。

早衰老化,特别是未老先衰所带来的后遗症是许多女性的梦​魔。其中一个缓和更年期冲击的方法是采用 Homone Replacement Therapy 荷尔蒙补充疗法或HRT. 女性平均的停经期年龄是在48岁到50岁。既生育系统停​止操作的时候。



研究显示,Puereria Lobata 含有高水平的天然植物雌激素,他丰富的植物雌激素能帮助​缓解早衰老及舒解更年期身体变化,是有效及安全选择。

Puereria Lobata 的效益至少两倍:

1)它含有多种天然植物雌激素,如Miroestrol​, deoxymiroestrol, 染料木,染料木因,daidzein,daidzin及​courmestrol等。这些成分在体内以不同的亲和​程度与雌激素的受体结合,形成不同的雌激素效力。这将帮​助恢复身体身体的正常功能,降低更年期雌激素流失所带来​的困扰。

1. 降低LDL(不良)胆固醇。
2. 提供HDL(良好)胆固醇,进而减低心血管疾病的风险。
3. 降低整体胆固醇,LDL及甘油三酸的水平。

 Proten 女人之宝也可以帮助:

爱液,每天伴随着女性,不管你是否愿意,都不得不面对这​个必须的麻烦,不得不学会与它和平共处。它在很大程度上​影响着夫妻双方性生活的快感,对性生 活的和谐起有举足轻重的作用。爱液一部分是由子宫颈腺体​分泌的,一部分来自阴道壁,还有很少一部分是由子宫内膜​腺阴道口两旁的大腺体分泌的。
女性的爱液是指女性在性兴奋时阴道内所产生的一种粘性液​体,主要由蛋白质、糖和脂肪等组成。在性生活中,爱液主​要起润滑作用,有助于男方阴茎的插入,也有 效地避免了男女双方因性器官干涩地摩擦而带来的不适。在​做爱之前,丈夫对妻子爱抚时间越长,妻子阴道内产生的爱​液也就越多,做爱时,男女双方的性快感也就 越强。

Selling Price/售价:RM396

4 capsules per day, eat 2 capsules after lunch and dinner.

Pueraria Lobata 含有丰富的Daidzein和Daidzin 和 Puerarin,这两大成份能促进身体健康及减少患多​种癌症和心脏病的风险。


What is Pueraria?
Pueraria Lobata is a fast-growing vine from Indo-China that was first introduced to the world in 1876. It assists in preventing soli erosion and grows wherever there is shade from valleys. To shaded fields to thickets and forests. The vine produces a huge underground root that can even grow to the size of an average human being!

Pueraria is rich in isoflavones (daidzein) and isoflavones glycosides (daidzin and puerarin), compounds that promote general health and reduce the risk of several cancers and heart disease. It is available as a whole root or sold in tablet form.

In ancient days of the orient, pueraria was regarded as a supreme and exclusively royal herb only for the wives of kings. Since the 1980’s, herbalists introduced it to the masses. Pueraria has reputation of enhancing the natural beauty of women.

In the rural areas of the Thailand, the herbal root is used for its ‘rejuvenation’ effect for the elderly, bringing new life back into their aged bodies. According to traditional Thai medicine, this herb is effective for relieving the symptoms of old age, menopause and for beauty enhancement.

For breast enlargement & firmness by ingestion of the Pueraria Lobata
Pueraria Lobata helps the development of the mammary tissues and helps enlarge the breast by lengthening & branching the duct that connect to the nipple. It increases the fatty tissue and ligaments around the breast that provide support and shape. These ducts branch out from the nipple into the interior of the lobules resulting in fuller and firmer breast. It also maintains and stimulates the collagen which then stimulates the development of new skin cells , that improves the breast skin and maintains a natural look.

Tester Results
In 90% of the women tested, phyto-estrogen from Pueraria Lobata included an increase in cell turgidity (firmness) but not cell multiplication. Calcium supplied from food such as dairy products, also enhanced the efficiency, so drinking a lot of milk while consuming Pueraria Lobata is recommended. It was found that the ingestion of Pueraria Lobata in a powder from provided the most efficient form of absorption.

Efficacy test of Pueraria Lobata consumption as food supplement or functional food of women. 

In a test group, all the women had charisma clearance,
 94% were found to have experienced faster skin recovery (from cuts or abrasions), healthier skin and firmer breasts. They also experienced some mammary pain as a result of breasts enlarging.
88% experienced enlarged breasts and healthier darker hair,
85% had increased vaginal secretion during sexual activities,
29% had healthier menstruation and a small percentage had slightly enlarged hips.

The test concluded that phyto-estrogen, originating from Pueraria Lobata, had clear estrogenic effects, such as breast firmness, breasts enlargement and healthier skin and hair.

Breast cancer : Only cancer screening tests can indicate the potential and occurrence of breast cancer. There is, thus far, no techniques to reduce to prevent the risk of it. Therefore, studies have concluded that prevention is still the best option, in reducing the risk of cancer and stopping its occurrence. Consumption of health products such as Pueraria Lobata aids in the prevention of breasts cancer.

It is a herbal medicine that has been used for centuries in Indo-China as a treatment for hangovers, allergies, indigestion, diabetes and angina. Pueraria Lobata also enhances female potency and beauty effects such as breast firmness and breast enlargement. Increased vaginal sexual  secretions, and healthier hair. It also relieves conditions such as recovery from surgery, charisma clearance, irregular menstruation, menstrual discomfort and menopausal symptoms.

Anti Aging
Most women worry about aging and especially about the effects brought on by aging. For the average women, the menstruation cycle ends at age 48 to 50 as the reproductive system within the body also falls. One method to soften the impact of menopause is Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT).

The onset of menopause can have often drastic physiological consequences such as weakening of the immune system, hot flushes, fatigue, insomnia, bone loss, hair loss, and degenerations of the reproductive organs leading to occurrence of tumors or cysts. Psychological changes can also follow, such as anxiety, tension nervousness and even chronic depression.

HRT replaces the natural estrogen in a women’s body with artificial estrogen in an attempt to control the effects of menopause. This is not always an effective treatment as the success rate is not 100% and it is expensive.

Research has shown that Pueraria Lobata, which contains a high level of natural phyto-estrogen, is an effective and safe alternative for HRT. Its rich source of phyto-estrogen delays aging and the onset of drastic changes to the body when a women goes into menopause.

The benefits of Pueraria Lobata are at least two fold:
(1)    It contains various phyto-estrogen such as miroestrol deoxymiroestrol, genistin, genistein, daidzein, daidzin, courmestrol, etc. These bind to estrogen receptors in the body with different degrees of affinity, resulting in varying estrogens potency. This helps in restoring normal body functions that were disrupted by the loss of estrogen following the onset of menopause.

(2)    Phyto-estrogen consumption contributes to lowered risk of cardiovascular disease. In a study conducted by the Medicinal Plant Research. Institute in Thailand, it was proven that phyto-estrogen could :
a.       Decrease the levels of LDL (bad) cholesterol
b.      Increase the levels of HDL (good) cholesterol thereby reducing the risks of cardiovascular.
c.       Decrease the levels of total cholesterol, LDL and triglycerides.

Clinical Studies
Clinical studies have shown that phyto-estrogen, which are found in Pueraria Lobata, play a role in reducing the risks of breast cancer. Phyto-estrogens are derived from plants while estrogen is a hormone produced in higher animate and humans. They are anti-carcinogenic and hence found to be tumor inhibiting.

In studies conducted in Australia and the UK at Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital in Perth and Chelsea Hospital for women in London respectively, research patients were treated with doses of phyto-estrogen in regular amounts over a one year period. At the conclusion of the studies,  patients have higher levels of phyto-estrogens moderating that levels of estrogen, thus reducing the amount of free circulating estrogen. That in turn, potentially reduces the risk of breast cancer.

Other  beneficial medical effects also included relief for menopause and age-related conditions such as mood swings, hot flashes, osteoporosis, cardiovascular disease, fatigue, insomnia, hair loss, and cholesterol. Consumption of Phyto-estrogen also reverses vaginal and urinary tract changes, reduces occurrence of cysts, reduces constipation, and even helps women regain their lost sexual function.

Cosmetic results include enlargement and firming up of breasts, healthier clearer skin, fuller more feminine body shape, shiner darker hair and a happier disposition.

How to take?
Pueraria Lobata is to be taken for 20 consecutive days. Take 2-3 capsules (400mg) twice a day after meals with a large amount of warm water, preferably fresh milk as a calcium source. The next round of Pueraria Lobata should be consumed on the first day of the next menstruation and continued in the same way.

Who should take?
Recommended for mature female aged 19 or above only. Female aged below or teenager should be prohibited from using Pueraria Lobata to allow her body system to mature naturally.

Question & Answer
How effective is Pueraria Lobata?
Large breasts will respond more rapidly and achieve its fullest, potential in terms of size and firmness and maintained at the peak level. At least 90% of women using Pueraria Lobata responded positively.

How do I know if I will respond to Pueraria Lobata?
All women will respond in one way or another. The 10% who do not respond to expectations will still experience some of the benefits, such as better health, darker healthier hair, healthier skin, etc. Most Women will see some results as early as 5 days and some only after 1 month.

How do I know that my breasts are getting bigger?
For  enlargement of breasts, the sign is a “tightness’ around the chest/breasts area. Upper body exercise will also assist in the enlargement process. Continue using for another 5-6 months when you should have reached your peak size.

NOTE : Not suitable for pregnant women or those who have a record of hyperthyroidism or related ailments, breasts cancer or tumors. Pueraria Lobata is meant for prevention but may produce negative effect for those already suffering from these conditions.

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                   Papaya Bust Biscuit V002

Selling Price/售价:RM120
Apple /RM70
Usage/如何服用:早餐时吃一块,每天一块/1pcs per day


Selling Price/售价:RM396
1 piece per dayEat before breakfast or replace your breakfast with 1 piece of papaya biscuit.

Papaya Bust Biscuit rich in amino acids and various nutrients. Is a nutrient-rich, with gain and nothing to harm the "fruit of the treasures." The Ministry of Health announced the first batch of food and medicine used along with fruits, The principle is the green papaya papaya enzyme unique to the usefulness of breast development. 2. Papaya enzyme is rich in natural female hormones and vitamin content. female hormones can stimulate the ovarian secretion of estrogen, to help re-development purposes. 3 green papaya biscuits contained papaya enzyme.It is the use of modern ultra-filtration for purification, together with the cinnamon, mulberry and other superior raw materials and refined. Each biscuit nutrient content equivalent to 5 papaya.
Eat 1 piece with milk as your breakfast.
You can experience  the joy of breast physical re-development.

1 treatment consists 36pieces/36 days use 
Method:  Eat before breakfast or replace your breakfast with 1 piece of papaya biscuit.
you can drink with milk, soy milk, etc. The main components mulberry green papaya cinnamon oatmeal, honey, etc. Precautions: should not be taken during menstruation /Avoid eating spicy food
 Papaya Bust Biscuit is good for:1 green papaya contains a wealth of papaya enzyme, papaya enzyme, carotene, etc.;


1. 青木瓜内含丰富的木瓜酵素、木瓜酶、胡萝卜素等;并富含​氨基酸及多种营养元素。是一种营养丰富、有百益而无一害​的“果之珍品”。 99年被卫生部公布为第一批药食兼用水果,青木瓜中木瓜​酵素和木瓜酶的含量是其他品种木瓜的5-10倍。 其原理是青木瓜中特有的木瓜酶对乳腺发育很有助益。



【服用方法】每天早上空腹吃一片,也可以代替早饭,也可​以搭配牛奶 豆浆等饮品

【主要成分】青木瓜 肉桂 桑葚 燕麦 蜂蜜等


【主要成分】青木瓜 肉桂 桑葚 燕麦 蜂蜜等



小s懒人瘦身贴  V012
Slim Patch
    Reatail Price/零售价: RM70 for 3packs/RM70 三包  
wholesale price/ 批发价: RM35
1 pieces per day, apply on stomach

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Shelf life: 3 years
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美姿堂瘦身胶囊       V003
Mei Zi Tang Botanical Slimming Gel
    Wholesale Price: RM35
  1 capsule per day. Eat 1 capsule before breakfast.

众所周知,草本植物健康减肥是 全球最倡导的减肥方式,本品主要选用千百年来云南傣族族人公认的具有美容减肥功效的天然植物—柯拉果、瓜尔胶、紫药苜蓿等,再根据中国传统医学理论配合苍 术、荷叶、黄芪、泽泻、罗布麻叶等十九味名贵中药组成,通过益气、降脂、利湿、活血化瘀等功能,多环节,全方位,全过程综合调整机体功能,达到减肥目的, 且不用节食,不易反弹。

连 续服用30天以上,98%以上使用者可减轻体重约15-25斤,顽固性肥胖者坚持服用亦可减至理想的效果。但是也要客观的和你说明,此药不是灵丹妙药,不 敢说什么人都可以减下来的,毕竟店主和MM没有面对面,不知道MM的具体情况,所以由于个人的差异带来的药效也不尽相同,因而店主只敢保证98%有效,请 理解。请追求100%完美的MM不要拍。





●适用人群: 适用于成年人想快速减肥及减肥中途失败者,对产后减肥有特效!



本 品是专门出口俄罗斯(OEM版)的减肥药,是针对欧洲人体质研发的纯植物减肥减肥药。由于欧洲人身体强壮,肌肉较多,饮食是以肉类食物为主食,所以需要较 强的药效才能达到减肥效果!因此,该产品不仅需要经过俄罗斯国家卫生组织的鉴定,必须是不含任何违禁成份,而且对所产生副作用的要求特别严格。所以美姿堂 植物减肥软胶囊不仅对亚洲人体质效果极强,而且没有副作用,是最安全的、最健康的减肥选择!
对六种减肥心态说 NO


因 各人体质、年龄、吸收能力等各方面的差异,美姿堂软胶囊反映在每个个体身上的效果也不尽相同。有的人可能一周就能瘦三斤,有的人可能一个月瘦6斤,也有的 人可能吃两三个月也只瘦了两三斤。所以本店不会也不能保证对100%人群有效,毕竟是天然植物,而不是“仙丹”。我想也没有任何一种产品能够保证对 100%人群有效。我们能够保证的是提供出口最好的A级软胶囊、产品描述属实绝无虚假,以及对95%以上人群都有比较好的效果。店主诚心敬告:慎拍!谢 谢。

美姿堂植物减肥胶囊-Botanical Slimming……Purely natural soft capsule Extracts from plants, being safe without any toxicity, and highly efficacious. Getting slim just on the day when taking it.

   This products adopts many kinds of natural plants that possess the function of slimming and keeping nice figure. These plants, such as nice slimming grass, jobstears, tarragon, psyllium shell, hoof bamboo shoot, lotus and etc, are carefully extracted and purified with modern advanced technology for the product whose function theory is as follows:
1. Restrain the activity of lipase in stomach and intestinal canal to enable the fat in the taken food not to be absorbed by the body. This effect is shown in the form of defecate with fat (oil) nature, which means people could excrete the equal quantity of fat as that has been taken.
2. Improve the metabolism and basic metabolism ratio (BMR) of fat, which means to increase the consumption of human body energy. The body fat would be broken up into heat, carbon dioxide and water. This product could not only reduce the redundant fat, but could also supplement many kinds of amino acid and trace element such as copper, iron, phosphorus, calcium, potassium, zinc and selenium. In the mean while, it can activate body cells and make balance over body microcirculation while eliminating the long-term accumulated toxicity elements. Thus it possesses the unique slimming, toxicity-eliminating and fat-adjusting function.
【Suited age group】 beyond 16 and below 65
【Precaution】 Not applicable for woman in pregnancy and attention should be paid for person with a cardiovascular disease and apoplexy history.
【Product specification】 480mg x 12 capsules x 3 pieces
【Approval code】 WSJZ (2002) No. 0047
【Producing standard】 GB1749-1997
【Usage & Dosage】 1 capsule/time, 1 time/day
【Producer】 Kumin  Industry & Trade Co., Ltd

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